Introducing the new Loggic Felling Head Control System.

Loggic, the recently released software our harvesting head customers have been using to boost productivity is now available for Woodsman Pro Felling heads. The new software, Loggic Felling Head (FH) is a giant leap forward in terms of speed, precision and simplicity, and includes some awesome new features.

The Loggic Felling Head control system home screen.


GPS mapping & recording

With GPS felled stems have their location recorded and plotted visually on screen. Harvested stem locations can be reviewed and inspected down to the individual day, species, and whether the machine was tethered or not.

Georeferenced map viewer

Georeferenced map documents in PDF or TIF format can be viewed as a background image for the harvester’s and stems’ stump locations. Georeferenced topographical maps can be downloaded from LINZ for free, or forest managers can provide maps with specific details such as using aerial photographs or LiDAR height maps of your block.

Custom features & geofencing

Safety has been in the forefront of development, with Loggic Felling Head allowing operators to mark out hazards or key areas to be aware of. Optionally, proximity alarms can be set to ensure a safe operating margin is maintained from harvesting boundaries, working areas, roads, or other hazards.

StanForD production reporting

Loggic Felling Head is “StanForD Classic” compatible, meaning it can read your APT files and report stem counts and their GPS locations in a PRI production file in the same way as a regular processing head.

Touch-screen control

The new Felling Head Control System is Windows-based and operated by touch-screen and standard harvester levers. A familiar set-up for anyone currently using Loggic with an 850 or 750 processor head.

Compatible with your current FH1350!

If you already own a WoodsmanPro FH1350 Felling Head, the new Loggic system can be retrofitted. This upgrade includes software, hardware and mechanical changes*to the harvest frame and top section of the head. *Mechanical changes allow for interchanging between the FH1350 and Woodsman Pro 750 & 850 harvesters.

For more information contact us on +64 7 348 1286 or email info@ensign.co.nz

LOGGIC Felling Head Software Features

Engineering Services Rotorua Ltd designs and manufactures each and every Woodman Pro product.

We supply a state-of-the-art control system developed in-house which specifically suits our own equipment, your local resource, and your individual requirements.

We modify and convert machines for harvesting and processing; install, test and commission the overall package; and will train your operators to get the best results from both a productivity and safety point of view.
